2021 Vision
We aspire to offer a curriculum that:
- is broad across the range of curriculum areas from S1-3 (Broad General Education) i.e. English, maths, modern languages, science, social subjects, expressive arts, technologies & health and wellbeing (breadth and depth)
- provides ongoing opportunities for young people to specialise and deepen their learning throughout the BGE (personalisation and choice)
- is well planned, appropriately challenging and relevant to young people, engaging their different interests, providing strong progress through S3 and into excellent S4, S5 and S6 attainment and achievement (coherence, challenge, enjoyment, progression and relevance)
- delivers the best learning experiences for all young people across different contexts through the highest-quality learning, teaching and assessment practices
- develops a framework that is responsive enough to plan flexible pathways for young people in line with their needs and interests
Aspirational Outcomes
We aspire to support the development of:
- young people who can clearly evidence the skills set out in the four capacities
- young people who are included and can clearly evidence the outcomes of the wellbeing indicators i.e. who are safe, healthy; achieving; nurtured; active; responsible; respected and included
- young people moving in a flexible and relevant way through different pathways in our curriculum framework
- young people who are achieving the highest possible qualifications and achievement
- young people who are moving to 100% positive destinations with a clear pathway for all