5@Higher Passport to Success
At Bell Baxter every S5 student undertaking 5 Highers is appointed a Mentor to help support their progress through the year.
These meetings provide opportunity for students to raise concerns, support wellbeing and discuss effective study and revision strategies for the year.
Studying at Higher level is a significant step-up from study at National 5. Not only do students face deeper and more complex subject content, they are also expected to develop independence in their study whilst navigating an exciting period of adolescence and planning for the future.
For these reasons, it is important students have an opportunity to develop the right skill sets for a positive learning mindset and to have a point of contact in the school to discuss their progress.
Through our Passport to Success Mentoring programme students will be presented with information and guidance on five key areas of Higher Study. This is known as the VESPA system;
- Vision – how to develop goals and seek purpose to study.
- Effort – how to prioritise and meet the expectations of Higher study
- Systems – how to organise smartly for study and revision
- Practice – how to revise and plan to examinations effectively
- Attitude – how to build resilience and a positive mindset to the challenges of study.
Each term, the 5@Higher cohort are invited to workshops developing one of these key areas.
For further information you can contact Mr Alasdair Hill, PT Mentoring on Alasdair.hill@fife.gov.uk
How can you support your young person with their Study Mindset?
On the links below you can find suggested activities to prompt discussion with your young person on their VESPA skills;
Vision – Better questions for “what do you want to do when you grow up?” conversations.
Effort – Setting up positive habits
Systems – How to use mornings more effectively
Practice – The Memory Clock revision technique
Attitude – Falling Forwards and avoid negative thinking.
Practice… Parent Advice Practice
Attitude… Parent Advice Attitude