Bell Baxter High School

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Welcome to the Expressive Arts Faculty

The areas of the curriculum which we describe as the Expressive Arts include music, art and design, drama, PE, dance and movement. The sharing of expertise between the specialist teacher and the class teacher gives rise throughout the year to a great deal of lively work.
The Expressive Arts is an essential part of the pupil’s curriculum and develops and provides an outlet for talents, creative abilities, individual expression and response. Although much of the work done in this area is integrated across the curriculum, our specialist teachers ensure that a planned development of skills and techniques takes place within the individual areas of the Expressive Arts programme.


Members of the Faculty

BGE Expressive Arts


S1 and S2

During the BGE courses learners will gain knowledge and experience of a wide rage of drama skills including, voice, movement, characterisation, drama structure, staging methods, lighting, sound, set, costume and props. Learners will also be encouraged to improve their communications skills, problem solving abilities and gain greater confidence.

Drama – S3.

We are running an S3 drama course that builds on the experiences of S1 and S2. The course prepares learners well for entry into the National Drama course in S4.


In S3 pupils will take part in a non-certificate course covering the theory of Media Studies and including practical production skills.



In S1 and S2 pupils will be exposed to a wide range of experiences in Art and Design. By participating in both design and expressive projects, pupils will learn about the use of the visual elements. They will be encouraged to develop their understanding of these elements when developing their practical skills in handling a wide range of media. We focus on building drawing skills through our projects in order for pupils to progress and build on these into the senior phase. During this time, pupils will be encouraged to work on group projects as well as on an individual basis, and will be set homework tasks relating to the work being done in class. Outside class, pupils can chose to join the lunchtime art club. By the end of the course, pupils should feel confident that they have developed the skills they need to be able to achieve moving forwarding in the subject.

They will work in the following three areas:

Design - creating ideas to solve interesting problems

Expressive - exploring and experimenting with materials to produce artwork.

Critical - Looking at the work of other artists and designers - giving opinions

Senior Phase Drama

National 4 - Drama

What skills will my child develop?
• practical skills in creating and presenting drama
• drama production skills
• creativity and the ability to express himself/herself in different ways
• knowledge and understanding of social and cultural influences on drama
• the ability to respond to stimuli when creating drama
• knowledge and understanding of form, structure, genre, style
• the ability to generate and communicate meaning, thoughts and ideas when creating drama
• voice, movement and characterisation skills
• the ability to work collaboratively, sharing and using drama ideas
• problem-solving and reflection skills


To gain National 4, learners must pass all Units
• Units are assessed as pass or fail by the school/centre (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)
• Unit assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) could be presented through a variety of media and technologies (video recording, blogs, written work, interview). A portfolio of work may be prepared
• The Added Value Unit (Performance) will require learners to apply their learning by participating in a live drama, either with an acting or a production role.


National 5 - Drama

What skills will my child develop?
• a range of practical skills in creating and presenting drama
• knowledge, understanding and the use of a range of drama production skills
• creativity and the ability to express himself/herself in different ways
• knowledge and understanding of social and cultural influences on drama
• the ability to respond to stimuli when creating drama
• knowledge and understanding of form, structure, genre, style
• the ability to generate and communicate meaning, thoughts and ideas when creating drama
• voice, movement and characterisation skills
• the ability to work collaboratively, sharing and using drama ideas
• problem-solving, reflection, analysing and evaluation skills


To gain National 5, learners must pass all Units and the Course Assessment
• Units are assessed as pass or fail by the school/centre (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)
• Unit assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) could be presented through a variety of media and technologies (video recording, blogs, written work, interview). A portfolio of work may be prepared
• The Course Assessment consists of a Question Paper (marked by the SQA) and a Performance (assessed by both the centre in accordance with SQA guidelines and the SQA) in which learners take part in a live production and keep a log with supporting
information and background research. The Course Assessment is graded A to D.


Higher Drama

Learners will be able to:
• generate and communicate thoughts and ideas when creating drama
• develop a knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural influences on drama
• develop complex skills in presenting and analysing drama
• develop knowledge and understanding of complex production skills when presenting drama

Opportunities for Learners
Learners will be able to:
• use their drama skills and apply their production skills to present drama to communicate meaning to an audience
• explore, develop and communicate ideas in drama through creating, presenting and using complex drama and production skills
• explore voice, movement and characterisation skills
• work collaboratively

• To gain Higher Drama, learners must pass the two Units and the Course Assessment (Performance and Question Paper for 100 marks)
• Units are assessed as pass or fail by the school/centre and are quality assured by the SQA. Achievement of Units is recorded on the learner's qualifications certificate
• The SQA has provided examples of Unit assessments that teachers/lecturers can use as they are, or adapt to suit the needs of their learners
• The Course Assessment consists of a Performance (60 marks) and a Question Paper (exam for 40 marks) which is in two sections (see below). The Performance is marked collaboratively by the centre and by an SQA Visiting Assessor and the Question Paper is marked externally by the SQA
• Higher Drama is graded from A to D or as No Award.

Question Paper

  • Section 1: Textual Analysis (20 marks)
    Section 2: Performance Analysis (20 marks)


  • Section 1: Preparation - research (10 marks)
  • Section 2: Performance - acting, directing, designing (50 marks)

Advanced Higher Drama

National Progression Award in Technical Theatre. 


Senior Phase Media

National 5 Media

What skills will my child develop?

  • The ability to analyse media content in detail and to create more complex media content
  • Knowledge of the role of media within society
  • The ability to comment on media production processes
  • Knowledge of contextual factors, constraints and freedoms affecting producers of media content
  • Critical thinking about the media and its role in every day life
  • An appreciation of media content in cultural and media contexts (print, broadcast, web-based)
  • Using different media effectively for learning and communication
  • Knowledge of key aspects of media (e.g. language, representation, audience)
  • Critical and creative thinking skills


The course will be assessed through a question paper (exam) and an assignment, which will be marked by the SQA and graded A to D.

The question paper is worth 60 marks and makes up 50% of the total assessment mark. It has two sections: Analysis of Media Content (50 marks), where learners will answer questions on media content they have previously studied, and Analysis of a Media Text (10 marks), where they choose one of three media print texts provided in the question paper.

The assignment is also worth 60 marks and makes up 50% of the total assessment mark. Learners plan and develop media content in response to a negotiated brief. This involves carrying out research and planning, creating the media content and explaining the use of media codes to create impact.


Higher Media

Learners will be able to:
• analyse and create media content, appropriate to purpose, audience and context
• plan and research when creating media content, appropriate to purpose, audience and context
• apply knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of media literacy
• apply knowledge and understanding of the role of media within society
• self-evaluate and develop critical thinking skills

Opportunities for Learners
Learners will be able to:
• use different media effectively for learning and communication
• be creative and express themselves in different ways
• use creative and critical thinking to synthesise ideas and arguments
• enjoy, and contribute to others’ enjoyment of, creative and expressive presentation
• see the links between creativity and employability

• To gain Higher Media, learners must pass the two Units and the Course Assessment (Assignment and Question Paper for 100 marks)
• Units are assessed as pass or fail by the school/centre and are quality assured by the SQA. Achievement of Units is recorded on the learner's qualifications certificate
• Unit Assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) will be assessed by schools/centres. The SQA has provided examples of Unit assessments that teachers/lecturers can use as they are, or adapt to suit the needs of their learners
• The Course Assessment is an Assignment (50 marks) and a Question Paper (exam for 50 marks) which has two components (see below). These are marked externally by the SQA
• Higher Media is graded from A to D or as No Award.

Question Paper

Section 1: Media Content in Context
Section 2: The Role of the Media


This will assess the skills of planning and creating media content, in response to a brief

National Progression Award - Film and Media 


Senior Phase Music

National 5 - Music

What skills will my child develop?
• sufficiently accurate performing skills in solo and/or group settings on two selected instruments or on one instrument and voice
• the ability to create original music using compositional methods and music concepts and music concepts when composing,
arranging or improvising
• deeper knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural factors influencing music
• deeper knowledge and understanding of music and musical literacy by listening to music
• identifying level-specific annotated music signs, symbols, concepts and styles
• understanding the creative process and expressing him or herself through music
• personal creativity and applying music concepts to personal practice
• critical and analytical listening skills and evaluation for improvement


To gain National 5, learners must pass all Units and the Course Assessment (Question Paper and Performance)
• Units are assessed as pass or fail by the school/centre (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)
• Unit assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) will demonstrate performing competence in two instruments or one instrument and voice; compositional skills; and evidence of knowledge of music concepts, literacy, notation, extracts and styles. Evidence may be oral, observational, a diary or blog or presentations, podcasts, answers to questions and may be stored in an e-portfolio. Digital recordings of performances could be included
• The Course Assessment consists of a Question Paper (exam with listening component) and a Performance (an 8 minute programme of music with two instruments or instrument and voice).


Higher - Music


Learners will be able to:

  • develop performing skills in solo and/or group settings on their selected instruments or on one instrument and voice
  • perform challenging music with sufficient accuracy while maintaining the musical flow
  • create original music using compositional methods and music concepts creatively when composing, arranging or improvising
  • broaden their knowledge and understanding of music and musical literacy by listening to music and identifying a range of music signs, symbols and music concepts
  • critically reflect on and evaluate their own work and that of others

Opportunities for Learners

Learners will be able to:

  • develop and extend their applied musical skills and understanding of music
  • perform a programme of music with accuracy and maintaining musical flow
  • create their own original music • self-reflect on and evaluate their own work and that of others
  • listen to music with awareness, understanding and discrimination
  • improve their musical creativity and performing skills by critically evaluating their own work and the work of others


  • The course will be assessed through a question paper (exam), an assignment and two performances. All components will be marked by SQA and graded A to D.
  • The marking is scaled so that the two performances make up 50% of the total assessment mark, the question paper 35% and the assignment 15%.
  • In the assignment, learners explore and develop musical ideas to create music and review the composing process.

Question Paper

Learners will be tested on music concepts and music literacy and is based on listening to excerpts 


Learners will perform on two contrasting pieces on each of two selected instruments or one instrument and voice for 12 minutes 


Composing music - The composed piece can be any style/genre and must last a minimum of 1 minute and a maximum of 3 minutes and 30 seconds. It must have at least four elements from melody, harmony, rhythm, structure and timbre, one of which must be harmony.


Adv Higher - Music



National 5 - Music Tech

What skills will my child develop?

  • a broad understanding of the music industry, including intellectual property rights
  • knowledge, understanding and critical analysis of a range of 20th and 21st century musical concepts, styles and genres
  • knowledge and understanding of music technology
  • the ability to use music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio
  • the ability to use music technology creatively in sound production in a range of contexts
  • listening skills
  • imaginative, creative and technical problem-solving skills
  • using skills in a range of contexts eg live performance, radio broadcast, film, TV themes, adverts and computer gaming
  • the ability to critically reflect on personal work and on the work of others
  • skills in planning, organising, researching, communicating in a technological and musical context


To gain National 5, learners must pass all Units and the Course Assessment (Assignment and Question Paper)

  • Units are assessed as pass or fail by the school/centre (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)
  • Unit assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) may be oral, observational, a diary or blog or presentations, podcasts, answers to questions and may be stored in an e-portfolio. Digital recordings of performances will be included
  • The Course Assessment consists of a Question Paper (exam marked by the SQA) and an Assignment in which learners will demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills by planning, implementing and evaluating a completed sound production.
  • The Course Assessment is graded A to D.

Higher  - Music Tech


Learners will be able to:

  • use music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio
  • use music technology creatively in sound production in a range of contexts
  • analyse music in the context of 20th and 21st century musical styles and genres
  • develop a broad understanding of the music industry, including an awareness of the implications of intellectual property
  • critically reflect on their own work and that of others

Opportunities for Learners

Learners will be able to:

  • develop a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge required by the music industry
  • creatively use music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio
  • develop knowledge and understanding of 20th and 21st century musical styles and genres, and an understanding of how music technology has influenced and been influenced by 20th and 21st century musical developments
  • use music technology skills in a range of contexts eg live performance, radio broadcast, composing and/or sound design for film, TV themes, adverts and computer gaming


The course will be assessed through a question paper (exam) and an assignment, which will be marked by SQA and graded A to D.

  • The marks are scaled so that the assignment makes up 70% of the total assessment mark and the question paper 30%.
  • In the question paper, learners use listening skills and draw on and apply knowledge and understanding of technological terms, technological developments, styles and genres, and music concepts.
  • In the assignment, learners plan, implement and evaluate a creative production using music technology.

Question Paper

Questions in response to music excerpts in a range of 20th and 21st century styles and genres 


Learners produce the audio for a film soundtrack, audiobook, radio broadcast, computer game or other similar context. Marks are awarded for planning (20 marks), implementing (50 marks) and evaluating (10 marks) the production. 


Adv Higher - Music Tech


Senior Phase Art

National 4 - Art & Design

What skills will my child develop?
• knowledge and understanding of artists, designers and their work
• understanding the factors that influence artists and designers
• experimenting with a variety of art and design materials
• practical skills in using materials, techniques and/or technology
• understanding artistic and cultural values, identities and ideas
• developing ideas
• researching and collating information from a range of sources
• understanding his/her own creative practice
• creativity and imaginative expression
• planning, critical thinking and problem-solving to find solutions to design briefs
• confidence in creative practice
• enjoyment in the arts
• communicating and representing ideas, thoughts and feelings visually


To gain National 4, learners must pass all Units
• Units are as pass or fail assessed by the school/centre (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)
• Unit assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) could take a variety of 2D or 3D forms. A portfolio may be prepared.


National 5 - Art & Design

What skills will my child develop?
• a greater knowledge, understanding and ability to critically analyse artists and designers as creative practitioners
• a deeper understanding of external factors influencing artists and designers
• experimenting with a variety of art and design materials to refine ideas
• practical skills in using materials, techniques and/or technology
• producing analytical drawings and investigative studies
• creativity and imaginative expression
• critical appreciation of aesthetic and cultural values, identities and ideas
• planning, producing and presenting creative art and design work
• investigating and analysing how artists/designers use materials/techniques
• applying this knowledge to his/her own creative practice
• problem-solving and critical analysis to find solutions to design briefs
• confidence in creative practice and in creative self-expression
• enjoyment in the arts


To gain National 5, learners must pass both Units and the Course Assessment (the Portfolio and the Question Paper)
• Units are assessed by the school/centre (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)
• Unit assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) will show competence in each of the two Units in 2D or 3D and may include sketch books, extended writing, notes, group discussions, reviews, critiques
• The Course Assessment consists of the Portfolio (showing development and evaluation leading to one final piece of expressive art work and one final design solution) and the Question Paper (exam). These will be marked by the SQA.


Higher - Art

Learners will be able to:
• communicate personal thoughts, feelings and ideas through the creative use of art and design materials, techniques and/or technology
• analyse a range of art and design practices
• critically reflect on the impact of external factors on artists and designers and their work
• plan, develop, produce and present creative art and design work
• develop personal creativity, using problem solving, critical thinking and reflective practice skills

Opportunities for Learners
Learners will be able to:
• develop knowledge of art and design practice
• experience a range of practical media handling skills in both expressive and design contexts
• exercise imagination and creativity
• analyse the factors influencing artists’ and designers’ work and practice
• explore how to visually represent and communicate their personal thoughts, ideas and feelings through their work

• To gain Higher Art and Design, learners must pass the two Units and the Course Assessment (Portfolio and Question Paper for 220 marks)
• Units are assessed as pass or fail by the school/centre and are quality assured by the SQA. Achievement of Units is recorded on the learner's qualifications certificate
• The SQA has provided examples of Unit assessments that teachers/lecturers can use as they are, or adapt to suit the needs of their learners
• The Course Assessment consists of a Portfolio (160 marks) and a Question Paper (exam for 60 marks) which is in two sections (see below). These are marked externally by the SQA
• Higher Art and Design is graded from A to D or as No Award.

Question Paper

Section 1: Expressive Art Studies (2 questions, 30 marks)
Section 2: Design Studies (2 questions, 30 marks)


Two pieces of work, one expressive piece of art and one design solution, with development ideas and evidence of critical reflection, are required for the Portfolio.


Adv Higher - Art


Career Pathways - Drama

This is a very important time for our pupils and it is important that as much advice as possible is available from staff, Skills Development Scotland and parents/carers. This will enable our senior pupils to make informed decisions regarding their education and course choices. For pupils returning in S5 and S6 it is vital that they consider the commitment to study which is required in the senior school. Our curriculum is structured to allow for a wide variety of courses and levels of study. 

It is important that all pupils have considered in advance why they have chosen to return to school and that they are being focused on  their intended destination.


Career Pathways - Media

This is a very important time for our pupils and it is important that as much advice as possible is available from staff, Skills Development Scotland and parents/carers. This will enable our senior pupils to make informed decisions regarding their education and course choices. For pupils returning in S5 and S6 it is vital that they consider the commitment to study which is required in the senior school. Our curriculum is structured to allow for a wide variety of courses and levels of study. It is important that all pupils have considered in advance why they have chosen to return to school and that they are begin


Career Pathways - Music

This is a very important time for our pupils and it is important that as much advice as possible is available from staff, Skills Development Scotland and parents/carers. This will enable our senior pupils to make informed decisions regarding their education and course choices. For pupils returning in S5 and S6 it is vital that they consider the commitment to study which is required in the senior school. Our curriculum is structured to allow for a wide variety of courses and levels of study. It is important that all pupils have considered in advance why they have chosen to return to school and that they are begin


Career Pathways - Art & Design

This is a very important time for our pupils and it is important that as much advice as possible is available from staff, Skills Development Scotland and parents/carers. This will enable our senior pupils to make informed decisions regarding their education and course choices. For pupils returning in S5 and S6 it is vital that they consider the commitment to study which is required in the senior school. Our curriculum is structured to allow for a wide variety of courses and levels of study. It is important that all pupils have considered in advance why they have chosen to return to school and that they are begin


Celebrating Success


expressive arts ethos.pdf

Remote Learning - Links

Bell Baxter Resources

Expressive Arts on Twitter

Follow the Expressive Arts faculty for all the latest information on what is happening in and around the school related to Drama, Music, Art and Meida. Here we will post updates to events, projects and achievements by all pupils and staff. A fun way to stay up to date with everything that is happening. Use the link or @BBHS_ExpArts

Bell Baxter YouTube

Join us for updates on everything that is happening around the school. From pupil productions to updates on events and activities, we hope to keep you updated as best we can. You'll also find helpful guides and tutorials for pupils and adults on how to use programmes such as Glow, Teams and much more. 


External Resources

BBC Bitesize

What is Bitesize?

BBC Bitesize is a free online study support resource designed to help with learning, revision and homework! It provides support for learners aged 5 to 16+ across a wide range of school subjects. It also supports children and young people’s wellbeing and career choices. It is suitable for all ages and subjects across the curriculum.

National Parent Forum of Scotland

The Forum works in partnership with national and local government and other organisations involved in education and child wellbeing issues to ensure that parents play a full and equal role in education. The overall aim is to help every child to maximise their potential through their school life. The Forum also offers the handy Nationals in a Nutshell documents, which break down courses into understandable facts and information.



Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is how teachers will communicate with pupils outwith of school. Each teacher will set up their classes through Teams and issue homework, handouts, and assignments in this manner. Teams is available as an app on most devices, as well as through Glow. We recommend that pupils use the app to access their work.


Click on this link to access information on how to manage Teams. 

Click on this link to access information on how to CHECK NOTEBOOK FOR WORK.

Click on this link to access information on how to HAND IN WORK WITH ASSIGNMENTS.

Office Lens

Office Lens is a handy app that turns your smart device into a scanner. This can be used for scanning work from the whiteboard in school or any assignments completed at home. It is part of the Microsoft suite so it has Teams integration, making submitting work easier. It is also helpful for maintaining and organising notes from jotters and loose leaf paper.



Bell Baxter High School