Course Changes
To support course choice, all young people in S2-S5 have a course counselling meeting with a member of the senior leadership team, their guidance teacher or support teacher. Course options and alternatives are discussed at these meetings to ensure the best choices are made for every individual. Final choices are emailed home to parents/carers.
In the senior phase, a ‘mock choice’ is made to help create our column structure. Unfortunately, not all courses are viable and, in some cases, we are unable to run a course where there is not enough interest. For this reason, we ask that young people make a reserve subject choice.
NB: Please note due to the current lockdown period mock course has not taken place this session.
Where a young person doesn’t meet the entry requirement at course counselling, they must choose an alternative course and we will review again following SQA certification in August. Crash courses are not advised until S6 and should only be considered when young people have achieved a broad range of qualifications in S4 and S5.