Bell Baxter High School

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Easter School 2024



The Easter School will provide study support sessions over the Easter holidays for young people in S4, S5 & S6. These sessions will focus on exam technique, revision, past papers and teachers will share useful; hints and tips for the final SQA examinations. 


If a pupil missed the registration process or would now like to attend the Easter School, can you advise them to speak with the relevant teacher to find out if space is still available for that session.


The sessions being offered are as below: 

easter revision school 2024 timetable.pdf


When young people attend the school for their study session can they please enter the school via the main door and sign in using the sheets that will be provided. Once they have signed in, they can then head to the relevant room for their session.  Given this is a school holiday normal school uniform will not be expected to be worn. 






Bell Baxter High School