Developing the Young Workforce & Employability
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is the Scottish Government’s Youth Employment strategy which aims to better prepare young people for the world of work and reduce youth unemployment. An ambition of Developing the Young Workforce is that education and employers work closely together to equip all young people with the skills and knowledge they will need to flourish in work and to support diversity in the workforce. Our school recognises the importance placed on Developing the Young Workforce and in supporting young people become informed and empowered to make decisions regarding their future life. Key targets for the school include:
- Offering a fuller range of qualifications, in partnership with college and other training providers which connect more directly to employment and provision of pathways for all young people
- Pupil participation in mentoring with the Career Ready Programme
- Employer engagement to enhance and support curricular delivery
- Work experience/placements
All curriculum areas support the DYW strategy through planned learning activities and classroom experiences. At Bell Baxter we set out to ensure that all young people are given the opportunity to build on their skills and abilities which ultimately support learners in playing an active role in the labour market.
Upcoming Events
Careers and Pathways Evening:
Thursday 7th of November
At Bell Baxter High School in the Canteen and Assembly Hall
Hosted from 6pm until 8pm
Key Details in File Below:
careers and pathways presentation.pdf
Find out more about DYW by clicking here.
Find out more about the Bell Baxter Skills Framework by clicking here.
Made in Fife - DYW Fife launches Campaign
Key School Contacts:
DYW Employability Officer
Daniel Halsall was appointed to the post of DYW Employability Officer in April 2024 to support young people to access school DYW activities and provide staff with support to provide DYW activities in class.
Skills Development Scotland Career Coaches:
Careers drop in sessions take place each lunchtime, from 12.30 pm, in the Careers Room situated in the support corridor. Notices of employment, training, work experience and education opportunities will be highlighted on the School Bulletin and Year Teams.
Career Coaches Alison Flint and Chris Elder are available in school Monday to Friday and support careers education via our Social Education programme:
My World Of Work
Skills Development Scotland has launched a choices toolkit which aims to support pupils to make choices for their future career pathways. The toolkit allows learners to connect subjects with potential career opportunities and relevant job profiles. The toolkit can be accessed via the My World of Work website.
Useful Websites to support careers information
My World of Work
Skills Development Scotland
SQA Skills for Work
Qualifications information
SQA National Qualification Group Awards
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
Education Scotland
Parentzone Scotland (Education Scotland)
The National Parent Forum of Scotland