Bell Baxter Former Pupils’ Association came into existence in 1990, following a series of Reunions held in celebration of the School’s Centenary. Membership is open to all former pupils and to past and present members of staff.
We aim to provide a forum for contact between former pupils and staff. We also give advice and even financial assistance in setting up reunions. We publish a twice-yearly newsletter sent worldwide to all members and we maintain a comprehensive website containing a wealth of archive material including hundreds of photographs.
The Association is financially sound, despite the modest annual subscription. Half of our annual income is absorbed in running costs, primarily to support newsletter production and distribution, and we provide regular funding to the School to support extras not eligible for core funding from Fife Council.
We welcome the opportunity to have a presence on the School website and hope that staff and pupils will browse our site at from time to time.
The School library has back numbers of our newsletters.
Please feel free to contact us at if you wish to know more about us. You can use that address to send us contributions to either our website or for the newsletter. Deadline for publication in the magazine is 15 April and 15 October.