Bell Baxter High School

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Welcome to the Health and Wellbeing Faculty

Here at Bell Baxter we pride ourselves on the range of opportunities and experience that we afford our young people both within our curriculum and through our extensive extra-curricular programme. Our committed staff work tirelessly to deliver a programme tailored to the needs of our school community, constantly reviewing and reflecting on what we do to broaden the options available. We are very proud of what we do, and strongly believe our young people benefit from an excellent experience.

Here you will find information about the faculty and the courses we have on offer from S1 through to S6, as well as information on career pathways and materials to support remote study. 

Members of the Faculty



BGE (S1-3) PE:

In S1, S2 and S3, learners are given the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities. They are indoor team invasion games (eg. basketball), outdoor team invasion games (eg. football), central net (eg. badminton), social dance, aesthetics (eg. gymnastics), striking and fielding (eg. rounders) and athletics. Through these activities, they will develop and learn about various skills / attributes which are important for their own physical, cognitive and personal wellbeing. Eg. They will participate in tasks designed to develop balance, coordination, rhythm and timing, stamina, speed, problem solving, creativity, resilience, confidence, cooperation, leadership, communication, and respect. (Not necessarily all at the same time). There will also be opportunities to develop literacy and numeracy.

In S3, learners will also start work towards a qualification in Physical Education. This will include assessment of practical performance and completion of a written assessment. By the end of S3, the aim would be for all to have achieved National 3 and for some to have achieved National 4. Pupils would then move into S4, where they will all work towards a National 4 or National 5 qualification in Physical Education.


BGE (S1-3) HE:

Home Economics pupils in S1 and S2 are taught a range of topics which give an introduction into the importance of food, health and hygiene in daily life. Pupils are equipped with life skills to competently prepare and cook a variety of dishes whilst developing their knowledge and understanding of food and nutrition.

In S1, topics include, 'Keeping Safe and Hygienic', 'Nutritional Needs' and 'the Journey of Food'. In S2, the course covers 'Foods of the World', 'Religious and Cultural Influences' and continues 'Nutritional Needs'.

Pupils who choose to come back to the department in S3 are able to deepen their understanding of topics covered in S1 and S2, whilst preparing them for senior Practical Cookery. Pupils will continue to develop their practical, organisational and theory skills. There are written and practical assessments throughout the year for all S1-3 pupils.

Senior Phase PE


National 4

What skills will my child develop?
• effective and safe performance in a range of physical activities
• identifying impacts on performance (wellbeing factors)
• positive attitudes, fitness, self-reliance and self-management
• recording, monitoring and reflecting on performance development
• researching to develop knowledge, understanding and skills
• decision-making and problem-solving in straightforward contexts
• selecting and applying skills
• planning, preparing and organisational skills
• carrying out roles and responsibilities
• demonstrating appropriate etiquette and following rules and guidelines
• evaluation and analysis
• communication and interpersonal skills to build positive relationships
• strategic skills
• confidence and creativity


To gain National 4, learners must pass all Units
• Units are assessed as pass or fail by the school/centre (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)
• Unit Assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) may be videos of performance, peer and self-reflection, graphic organisers, cause and effect, Q charts, oral evidence through question/answer sessions, use of ICT. A portfolio may be prepared
• The Added Value Unit consists of a Performance in an activity of the learner’s choice.


National 5

What skills will my child develop?
• effective and safe performance in a comprehensive range of physical activities
• understanding impacts on performance (wellbeing factors)
• positive attitudes, fitness, self-reliance and self-management
• recording, monitoring and evaluating to enhance performance
• researching to develop knowledge, understanding and skills
• decision-making and problem-solving
• selecting, applying and adapting skills
• planning, preparing and organisational skills
• carrying out roles and responsibilities
• demonstrating appropriate etiquette and following rules and guidelines
• communication and interpersonal skills to build positive relationships
• demonstrating initiative and strategic skills
• confidence and creativity
• analysis and evaluation


To gain National 5, learners must pass all Units and the Course Assessment (the Performance and the Portfolio)
• Units are assessed by the school/centre (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)
• Unit assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) could be videos of performance, peer and self-reflection, graphic organisers, cause and effect, Q charts, oral evidence through question/answer sessions, use of ICT
• The Course Assessment consists of the Performance and the Portfolio which will be marked according to SQA guidance and instructions and graded A to D.



Learners will be able to:

  • develop a broad and comprehensive range of complex movement and performance skills, and demonstrate them safely and effectively across a range of challenging contexts
  • select and apply skills and make informed decisions to effectively perform in physical activities
  • analyse mental, emotional, social and physical factors that impact on performance
  • understand how skills, techniques and strategies combine to produce an effective performance
  • analyse and evaluate performance to enhance personal effectiveness

Opportunities for Learners

Learners will be able to:

  • improve their own health and wellbeing
  • develop, demonstrate and evaluate performance
  • use evaluation and analysis to develop and apply strategies, techniques and skills that will enable them to build on and enhance their performance


The course will be assessed through a question paper (exam) and a performance, which will be graded A to D. The marks are scaled so that each assessment makes up 50% of the total assessment mark.

The question paper is marked by SQA. The performance is marked internally by the teacher and quality assured by SQA.

Question Paper

Three sections which include questions on:

Section 1: The four factors impacting on performance (32 marks)

Section 2: Learners’ experience of creating and implementing a Personal Development Plan (PDP) (Range of 6–10 marks)

Section 3: A scenario that may include text, images, graphs or other information. (Range of 8–12 marks) 2 hours 30 minutes 50 marks 

Performance Assesses learners’ ability to perform in two different physical activities. (Each marked out of 30) The context for each single performance event must set it apart from normal learning and teaching activities so that it is challenging, competitive and/or demanding.

Advanced Higher


Senior Phase Awards


Sports Leadership - Level 5

Sports leadership gives young people the opportunity to become confident, healthy leaders through sport and physical activity. Young people will develop transferable skills to enhance learning and future employment. By developing the following skills- communication, self-belief, teamwork, self-management, and problem solving we hope that each young person can realise their potential. The course combines both theory and practical elements which are listed below:

· Unit 1 – Developing leadership skills

· Unit 2 – Plan, lead and evaluate sport/physical activity sessions

· Unit 3 – Assist in planning and leading a sports/physical activity event

· Unit 4 – Lead activities which promote a healthy lifestyle

Sports and Fitness - Level 5

SFA Refereeing Award - Level 7

The SQA Referee Development Award provides an opportunity for learners to become involved in refereeing and broaden their football knowledge. Learners will develop their knowledge of the Laws of the game, enhance their fitness levels and become competent at writing a detailed match report.

Upon successful completion of the course, learners will be able to join their local Referees’ Association and start a career in refereeing.


Senior Phase Home Economics

National 4 - Practical Cookery


National 5 - Practical Cookery

What skills will my child develop?

  • Proficiency in a range of cookery skills, food preparation techniques and cookery processes when following recipes
  • The ability to select and use ingredients to produce and garnish or decorate dishes
  • An understanding of ingredients from different sources and their uses and an awareness of responsible sourcing
  • The ability to choose, weigh, measure and cost appropriate ingredients and calculate proportions
  • An awareness of current dietary advice relating to the use of ingredients
  • The ability to work safely and hygienically
  • Organisational and time-management skills in a largely familiar cookery context  Analytical, creative and evaluative skills


The course will be assessed through a question paper (exam), an assignment and a practical activity, and will be graded A to D.

  • The question paper and assignment will be marked externally by SQA, and the practical activity will be marked internally by the school or college.
  • The question paper is worth 30 marks and makes up 25% of the total assessment mark. Learners will answer questions which assess their knowledge and understanding of food preparation, ingredients, dietary advice, food safety and hygiene, and their ability to cost recipes and evaluate dishes.
  • The assignment is worth 18 marks and the practical activity is worth 82 marks. They are inter-related and will be assessed using one activity, which makes up 75% of the total assessment mark. Learners will plan (assignment) and produce (practical activity) a three-course meal to a given specification and timescale. 


NC - Bakery

Career Pathways - PE

This is a very important time for our pupils and it is important that as much advice as possible is available from staff, Skills Development Scotland and parents/carers. This will enable our senior pupils to make informed decisions regarding their education and course choices. For pupils returning in S5 and S6 it is vital that they consider the commitment to study which is required in the senior school. Our curriculum is structured to allow for a wide variety of courses and levels of study.

It is important that all pupils have considered in advance why they have chosen to return to school and that they are being focused on  their intended destination.

 Career Pathways - Home Economics and Hospitality

This is a very important time for our pupils and it is important that as much advice as possible is available from staff, Skills Development Scotland and parents/carers. This will enable our senior pupils to make informed decisions regarding their education and course choices. For pupils returning in S5 and S6 it is vital that they consider the commitment to study which is required in the senior school. Our curriculum is structured to allow for a wide variety of courses and levels of study.

It is important that all pupils have considered in advance why they have chosen to return to school and that they are being focused on their intended destination.

Celebrating Success

hwb ethos.pdf


Remote Learning - Links

Bell Baxter Resources

HWB on Twitter

Follow the HWB faculty for all the latest information on what is happening in and around the school related to Health and Wellbeing. Here we will post updates to events, projects and achievements by all pupils and staff. We will also recommend some ways to stay fit and active for pupils and adults alike. A fun way to stay up to date with everything that is happening. Use the link or @BellBaxter_HWB

Bell Baxter YouTube

Join us for updates on everything that is happening around the school. From pupil productions to updates on events and activities, we hope to keep you updated as best we can. You'll also find helpful guides and tutorials for pupils and adults on how to use programmes such as Glow, Teams and much more. 


External Resources

BBC Bytesize

What is Bitesize?

BBC Bitesize is a free online study support resource designed to help with learning, revision and homework! It provides support for learners aged 5 to 16+ across a wide range of school subjects. It also supports children and young people’s wellbeing and career choices. It is suitable for all ages and subjects across the curriculum.

National Parent Forum of Scotland

The Forum works in partnership with national and local government and other organisations involved in education and child wellbeing issues to ensure that parents play a full and equal role in education. The overall aim is to help every child to maximise their potential through their school life. The Forum also offers the handy Nationals in a Nutshell documents, which break down courses into understandable facts and information.



Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is how teachers will communicate with pupils outwith of school. Each teacher will set up their classes through Teams and issue homework, handouts, and assignments in this manner. Teams is available as an app on most devices, as well as through Glow. We recommend that pupils use the app to access their work.


Click on this link to access information on how to MANAGE TEAMS..  (HOME EC)

Click on this link to access information on how to CHECK NOTEBOOK FOR WORK. (HOME EC)

Click on this link to access information on how to HAND IN WORK WITH ASSIGNMENTS. (HOME EC)


Click on this link to access information on how to MANAGE TEAMS.. (P.E.)

Click on this link to access information on how to CHECK NOTEBOOK FOR WORK. (P.E.)

Click on this link to access information on how to HAND IN WORK WITH ASSIGNMENTS. (P.E.)


Office Lens

Office Lens is a handy app hat turns your smart device into a scanner. This can be used for scanning work from the whiteboard in school or any assignments completed at home. It is part of the Microsoft suite so it has Teams integration, making submitting work easier. It is also helpful for maintaining and organising notes from jotters and loose leaf paper.



Bell Baxter High School