Osiris Educational is one of the UK's leading independent training providers for schools.
Bell Baxter High School is fully committed to working with Osiris on a 5 year plan to support our key school improvement priority of delivering high quality learning and teaching experiences across the curriculum.
In Session 2019/20, 10 members of staff, representative of all Faculties, engaged in the OSIRIS teaching intervention programme (O.T.I). One member of staff went on to achieve GTC accreditation for their work in this area. In session 2020/21 a further 10 staff engaged in the programme. In session 2021/22, 10 additional staff (including Principal Teachers) engaged in the programme. A further one member of staff went on to achieve GTC accreditation for their work in this area. In 2022/23, nine members of staff completed the programme. Finally in 20023/25 5 members of staff engaged in the programme.
The O.T.I programme is based on directed professional learning, opportunities for reflection and self discovery leading to improved practice and outcomes. The three modules included within the OTI programme are Engagement, Feedback, Challenge.
To find out more visit: https://osiriseducational.co.uk/