GSO Test





Our School

Bell Baxter High School is situated in the heart of Cupar and serves North East Fife.  Our cluster includes 18 associated primary schools.

In Session 2019/2020  after full consultation will all stakeholders we refreshed our school vision and values. 

Our Vision is that ‘The Future is in our Hands’.   This means that everyone in Bell Baxter has a part to play in our future as a school and as an individual.

Our whole-school values are:

  • Curiosity - We always ask questions, say 'can do' and get stuck in.
  • Togetherness - We always participate, value diversity, and recognise the contribution of others.
  • Excellence - We always challenge our knowledge, our skills and our effort.

We aim to offer a safe and secure learning environment where the successes and achievements of all young people is celebrated.

Very good examination results and the pathways we have on offer lead to a  positive destination figure of over 95%  for young people.  A wide programme of curricular and extra-curricular activities includes opportunities for local and overseas travel.

We have an active Parent Council  who work closely with us to help  young people achieve their best. 

As a learning community we share the aspiration for Bell Baxter to be a  forward-looking, nurturing and and successful school.