GSO Test





School Awards

Junior Awards Winners


Over the course of the academic year, we have a number of award ceremonies to recognise the excellent work and achievements of our young people. Our awards cover a number of areas for achievements both in and out of school.

 School Colours

School Colours is an established feature of our approach to recognising the wider achievement of young people. We expect our young people to uphold the school values of curiosity, togetherness and excellence and the Colours Awards System helps to celebrate their success. The Colours system recognises individual and group achievement, entitling pupils to wear red braid on their blazer. 

The Colours system has been set up to include three levels of award:

  • Half Colours; Full Colours and Colours Tie.


There are several categories within which to receive Colours and these have been created to cover all areas of activity which young people may be involved in.

Colours can be awarded for outstanding achievement in the following categories:

  • Curricular Achievement.
  • Aesthetic and Creative Achievement.
  • Sporting Achievement.
  • Service to the School.
  • Service to the Community.
  • Wider Achievement. 


Each Colours category is awarded separately from the others. This means that Colours can be awarded in several categories in the same year.

Nominations can be made by young people (self-nomination), parents, group leaders, school staff or others in the local community.

Nominations can be made using:

  • Microsoft Form for individual nominations (use website link below).
  • Colours Group Nomination spreadsheet for groups (use website link below).
  • Paper nominations forms are also available from the School Office.

 Individual nomination forms will also be available on the school Year Teams.

We will aim to have nominations open on Monday 2nd September 2024 and close on Sunday 20th September 2024. 

Detailed information on Colours will be shared with young people in PSE lessons as well as the Year Teams. This information can be accessed using the link below. The information will also be sent to all homes by direct message plus the BBHS Bulletin.

All nominations will be considered at the Colours Committee meeting in September, 2024.  The Committee comprises a Depute Rector, Principal Teachers, invited members of the Parent Council, School Captains and Administration staff.







Junior Awards

These are used to recognise curricular achievement in school over the course of the year and are awarded in the following categories:

  • Subject Awards (including Special Awards)
  • Individual Progress Awards S1-S3 (Bonnygate Bequest)
  • Service to the School and Community Awards


All Award winners are chosen by the class teachers. Subject and Special Awards are generally awarded on performance in class, tests, projects and assignments.

Progress Awards are based partly on performance but also on effort, enthusiasm and commitment to work. They are generally awarded where improvement has been shown over the course of the year.

There are overall Awards in each year group with the overall Bonnygate Achievement Award given to the person receiving the most Subject and Special Awards. This can be shared where there is a tie.

Senior Awards

Senior and Junior Awards are similar in many cases, and are awarded for curricular achievement in the following categories:

  • “Qualifications” Awards National 4, National 5, Higher, Advanced Higher (including Special Awards)
  • Individual Progress Awards S4-S6 (Bonnygate Bequest)
  • Service to the School and Community Awards
  • Dux Awards


All Award winners are chosen by the class teachers. Subject and Special Awards are generally awarded on performance in class, tests, projects and assignments.

Progress Awards are based partly on performance but also on effort, enthusiasm and commitment to work. They are generally awarded where improvement has been shown over the course of the year.

Dux Awards are presented to those achieving the best academic results in the previous year’s exams e.g. 5 Grade A’s at Higher, all at Band 1, would be the best overall result for a pupil in S6. Higher results are used for young people currently in S6. Where there is a tie, we look back to National 5 results.

For young people currently in S5, we use National 5 results from the previous year for the Award of Dux. Where there is a tie, we look back to Subject and Special Awards from the previous year.

Young people in S4 have not yet sat any exams, so the person receiving the most Subject and Special Awards in S3 receives the overall Dux Award. This can be shared where there is a tie.