Bell Baxter High School

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Young Learners at Risk

Learners at risk of leaving early with little or no qualifications often present distress signs long before they leave. If these signs are detected in a timely manner, there are more chances of reengaging young people with relatively simple interventions. An early intervention allows for better results with fewer resources. All young people have an entitlement to be supported to achieve. For some of our young people school can be a difficult place to fit in. For these pupils it takes creative and collaborative thinking to implement proactive plans to support them to achieve qualifications and increase employability skills for work and life. 


  • September first senior OTB tracking
  • December 2nd OTB tracking after summative assessments
  • Jan-February - identify target groupings. Staff allocated to groups. Enter young people  for additional qualifications
  • Feb-May Interventions implemented. SQA passes entered pupils tracked closely. Responsibility of all.
  • May - July identify S3 into S4 YLAR and start to collect evidence and put interventions in place.
Bell Baxter High School